Distillation Column

Distillation Column

A Distillation Column is an essential item used in distillation of liquid mixtures so as to separate the mixture into its component parts, or fractions, based on the differences in volatilities. Fractionating columns are used in small scale laboratory distillations as well as for large-scale industrial distillations.

This silo is normally filled with tankers or through pneumatic conveying depending upon the raw material availability.To ensure good discharge, each silo is normally equipped with live bottom arrangements like bin activators, fluidising cones, unloading valves etc. This units ensure consistent and controlled discharge of various materials thus ensuring efficient inventory management and control, benefitting the plant operation and its flexibility, as well as the material supply chain management.

We offer following things :

  • Distillation column can be manufactured to accommodate packing or tray manufactured by the leading companies.
  • Option of ordering complete distillation system including Reboiler, Distillation column, Main condenser, Product cooler, Vent condenser, Reflux drum, and a return line as per process requirement
  • Successful installation of Distillation columns for Solvent Recovery, Methanol and other fine Chemical , Alcohol distillation, Essential oil distillation.